Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm Back!

Let's hope I can stick to it this time! I'm going to post about whatever happens to be on my mind whether it's God, husbands, kids, cleaning, organizing, I'm just going to write about it. It's so much fun to go back and read old posts and see where I've been and how far I've come (or not) since then.

So, what's new? Well, the blog is for starters, I can't seem to access the old one so I was forced to start over. Let's see...the girls are now 6, 4 and almost 2 years old! Can you believe it? Me either. They are growing up so much everyday.

Sophia is in 1st grade this year and loves it to pieces! She's reading, writing and having more grown up thoughts and ideas. By that I mean we have less conversations about her toys and T.V. shows and more conversations about school, God, her thoughts on where we should move (in 3 years) and why, etc. It's very fun talking to her now. She is amazing with Amelia. Sophia has so much patience and love for her little sisters it's very endearing.

Lily has started Preschool this year! She is loving it and her social skills have vastly improved. She will move up to the 4 year old Preschool program next year since she misses the Kindergarten cut off by 9 days. We are working on beginning reading right now and I've noticed her trying to sound out words and even recognizing a few sight words too. She does not have much patience with Amelia and is quick, with both sisters, to yell when they do something she doesn't like rather than tell them quietly. We've been playing musical bedrooms recently and finally have decided on the best arrangement which is for Lily to have her own room and Sophia and Amelia share a room. Lily LOVES having her own space and spends a lot of time in there playing with her toys or just laying on her bed playing learning games on her LeapsterGS.

Amelia is using tons of words now. I swear she wakes up with 5 new words everyday! She's showing some interest in potty training, which I'm psyched about! She is a ham who loves to have ALL the attention and she will do whatever she can to get it. She's in love with Yo Gabba Gabba and Elmo. Backpacks are her new favorite things. In fact we just decided to get her an adorable kitty backpack from Skip Hop for her birthday. She's going to love it. Kitties are her other favorite thing. She follows ours around the house all day, tries to share her toys, sippys and food with them and generally annoys the heck out of the poor things. She gets swiped at, at least once a day but she just can't leave them alone.

Finally, and most importantly we have finally found a church we love and that feels like "home". The sermons speack to us, the fellowship opportunities are endless and the people are quickly becoming family. Our lives are being greatly enriched by this church and we are so grateful to have found it.

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